Monday, July 2, 2012

God's Heart for Adoption

While pondering God's heart for adoption and Google-ing, I came across this precious video. I hope it touches your hearts as it has mine.

No news on our adoption front - our hearts are still longing as we finish up the home study paperwork. Yes, it is taking a while, but we want to get it right the first time. We are very thankful that our agency is being very patient - and answering our 101 questions on what each question means and what the "right" answer is. They emphasize that there is not a correct response, but have done a great job at helping us answer the "right" question – as many of the forms are worded rather ambiguously.

Many blessings and thanks to our dear friends who have blessed us in this lengthy process - with encouragement, love, support - both in prayer, finances and just being there! We have quite a ways to go, but are looking forward to the rest journey – with you at our side!

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