Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Snow Day

Snow, snow, go away, come again another day!

All winter I have been longing for snow. The gentle flurries, the flakes swinging down from the sky, the beauty of white lawns and snow-covered houses. So relaxing and gentle on the eyes. And all winter long, nothing has stuck.

Now, however, a major winter storm is barreling toward DC. Inches upon inches of snow at last!

And I hate it!

It comes at the worst time possible - on the very day we finally had our USCIS fingerprint appointment scheduled. And since the Government shuts down with the slightest threat of snow or ice, I know that the fingerprint office will be closed that day.

It would help if I could call the fingerprint office directly... reschedule over the phone. No! Rescheduling only can be done by mail. No direct line to their office - only a help line to a call center located in Kansas City, Missouri or some place like that far away. I did call the help line and was told that our appointment would be automatically rescheduled if the Government was closed. Right. I know how Government works.

So I am alternating two prayers right now... since prayer is the only resource I have to change the situation.

1. No Government closure! Of course, this will only happen if it does not snow.

2. If the Government does close - a very quick rescheduling. Quick to get it back on the calendar and for soon!

Or perhaps I could salt the clouds over Front Royal, VA and have all the snow dumped on them before it gets to DC! Moscow does this all the time to avoid city snowfall... it's a great idea! Anyone have a plane that I can borrow?


  1. You should have gone in early! We had no issues going in to that sane office fir ours before our appt time. Praying it all works out!

  2. Our location is by appointment only.

  3. Which location is it? We had to go to Alexandria but it is fairly common for most places to let you walkin ahead of the scheduled appt time.

    1. Really? The one on Route 1? That is our location... maybe the help line guys just did not know. We will try to walk in after the snow. The worst they can do is to turn us away.

  4. Yes, same one. We went in four days before our appt and they never questioned us. I only tried it because some others had told me they had successfully at the same location just a few weeks before we did.
