Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Drumroll, Please...

We have officially received a referral for one adorable, three-year-old boy!!!!!

Yesterday, far way in Bulgaria, probably in a non-descript conference room, the Ministry of Justice's International Adoption Committee met to consider the fate of little ones entrusted to their care. This, in and of itself, was a miracle because the official who oversees the committee had not yet been appointed after the most recent election. It had been months since they had met, and the pile of dossiers had been growing. So the government decided, quite ironically I think, to have the official in charge of prisons chair the meeting – to have the person normally in charge of locking people up in an institution switch to freeing people from an institution!

We were not expecting them to get to our dossier – it was at the very bottom of that giant, backlogged stack. We were told that if they did not get to it, the next meeting would probably be in September after everyone’s summer vacation. So we set our expectations on that time frame.

Bulgaria is quite technologically advanced… the adoption division of the government has its own Facebook page and everything. I noticed a post on my newsfeed… the meeting had taken place yesterday and some kids with special needs had been referred to parent. Not us, I thought.

Have I mentioned that I am a nuisance to our adoption agency? I call them a lot. I try not to call them without reason… but they are my only link to my little boy, so sometimes, when I am longing for him, I stretch it a little. I make up a reason. Then I chat with them a bit and feel a bit better. Poor people – they are trying to get their work done and here I am call asking them stupid questions just so that I can talk about Vanya.

That is what I did today…I thought, “We can’t possibly have been approved by that meeting… but I should call anyway just to talk… it’s a legitimate reason… or at least it will appear to be.”

But to my surprise, our adoption agency worker said, “Oh, yes, do I have good news… your dossier has been approved and a referral was made to you for your cute little boy!” I was flabbergasted! Hurrah! Where is that confetti I have been keeping for just such an occasion? Oh, well, some cyber confetti will do!

So, what now?

In a few weeks, we will get the paper referral and acceptance paperwork (like I have said, the paperwork never ends). We then say “Yes!” and sign the papers accepting his referral. Then we send the papers back with a lump of money and wait for our approval to travel to see our Vanya for the first time (We are so looking forward to meeting our little tyke!) and to sign the official adoption paperwork. (Yes, more paperwork!)

We believe that if God has sped up the process and has turned a September referral into a July referral, then He will provide the needed funds in a shorter amount of time. It’s crunch time… and that is a little scary for us, but at the same time, we see God moving… moving dates, moving mountains, moving hearts... and believe that we can rely on Him to work this miracle.

Many people have asked us to let them know when we really “need” the funds to bring Vanya home. Well, NOW is that time! In about a month, we will need about $4,500 for Vanya’s final adoption fees. Yes, we will need more funds later for travel, but for now, the pressure is on to pay the final adoption fees for the court proceedings in Bulgaria. At the top right of this page there is a link to called "Donation Options". If you could help bring our son home to us – to make him an orphan no more – we would be incredibly thankful.

EEEEeeeeekkk! SO exciting! Our little boy may be home for Christmas after all!

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