Monday, March 19, 2012

Fun Acts of Faith

Our hope is high and we are sailing the high seas of faith! We know God has called us to adopt and are trusting that He will bring us the perfect (for us!) child. A precious child who will fit into our family, whom we can love on, read stories to, and give to a knowledge of God - true and intimate.
We want our child to know God, to walk hand and hand with Him, to know in his or her heart of a higher adoption available – adoption into God’s family. We want our adoption to mirror this mightier one, not only to everyone who wanders in and out of our lives, but to our child as well. We believe that God will give our child a receptive heart and an active mind to search out the great things of God. We are stepping out in faith that we will be the sort of parents who can walk the difficult roads of adoption and of parenting an adopted special-needs kid.
Part of this faith is believing what is not as though it is. We don’t have our kid yet. We have yet to overcome the obstacles of all the paperwork, fundraising/saving of $30,000, and the months and months (if not years) of waiting for our referral to come. But we believe, we know in our hearts, that we already have a beautiful son or daughter, waiting for us over in Bulgaria! He or she is ours, not blood of our blood, but heart of our heart! In faith, we so completely believe this that we are taking action. It is a great joy to step out and get ready for the arrival of our coming cutie pie!
The first thing to getting ready for a major change in one's life, as any women will tell you, is to get a haircut! Here is my new mommy do:

We have received such encouragement from the Scriptures over the past month. Through various people, our own study, and God speaking through His Word, we know God has special plans for our family and for our children. Part of this encouraging Word was an answer to a prayer we’ve been praying – whether we should move out of our little apartment or not. And God said we are to expand our tent pegs! We have found a bigger place with a washer and dryer in the apartment – something which, as we have been told by all our parent-y friends, is something very difficult to do without when you have kids. So no more trips to the laundry room with the broken machines! Hurrah! We will be moving the beginning of June. It will be a little more expensive, but so worth it! Anyway, would it be a step of faith if it did not stretch us? Here is our new home… only two buildings down the street!
The latest faith action has been to become involved in some Bulgarian cultural events. Since we love exploring different cultures – what fun it is to do so in connection with our beloved child! In a completely “God way”, we have been hearing of Bulgaria right and left nowadays. One of our dear friends, the fabulous actress/songstress Amie, has recently become involved with a Bulgarian theatre group and invited us to a poetry reading of Bulgarian poems at the Bulgarian Embassy here in DC. Only segments of the poems were translated into English, but it was a beautiful event with amazingly beautiful people, language, and music. And food prepared by the Embassy chef! Truly fantastic! We met some very interesting people there, including a lady who has started an educational/medical facility in Sofia (the Bulgarian capital) for special-needs children. We had a lovely conversation about Bulgaria's special-needs children and our adoption. She couldn’t quite understand why we would want to adopt a special-needs child, which we thought was odd, as she has such a heart for them herself. But she was a wonderful person to meet and gave us her card in case we had any questions about Bulgaria she could answer for us. After all, that is what DC is all about – networking!
If you want to look through the Flickr photo stream of the event, you might catch a glimpse of us in the audience!
We will be going to more Bulgarian cultural events in the future as they are officially part of our adoption education. We need 30 hours of education before we can fly out to Bulgaria to pick up our kid.  If you would like to come with us, let us know - the more the merrier!  The next event is April 1st and is a celebration of Bulgarian culture:

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